The RDS sponsors a variety of activities to support many challenges in the sports area and various challenges to open up a new era. From the development of products for athletes who make an attempt at international competitions to the development of lunar unmanned rover and to a wide range of backup of motor sports. We will continue to make efforts to stay close to people’s passion and to create a future together.
The RDS is jointly developing products with Tomoya Ito who became a medalist at the Beijing and London Paralympic Games. In the combination with the experience of Ito and the technologies of RDS, we will develop products that will surprise the world.
Born in Mie Prefecture in 1963. A wheelchair athlete. Although he operated a temporary staffing company with more than 200 employees, he developed multiple sclerosis in 1998 and retired because of his wheelchair life. The following year, he started wheelchair athletics and established numerous records. In 2005, he became the only handicapped person who achieved entering the Hall of Fame of the Marathon Museum in Greece. In 2008, he won the gold medals in 400 and 800 meters in world records in Beijing. In 2012, he gained the silver medals in 200, 400, and 800 meters in London.
As an official supplier, the RDS supports Taiki Morii (belonging to Toyota) who won a silver medal of chair ski in Sochi. The RDS will continue to support the activities of Taiki Morii and to contribute to the development of sports for handicapped people through the design and analysis of chair ski seats and cowls and also through the provision of CFRP products.
Born in Tokyo in 1980. A chair skier belonging to Toyota Motor Corporation. He started skiing at the age of four, but damaged his bone marrow in a traffic accident when he was a second grade student of high school. In 1998, triggered by watching on TV the successes of chair skiers in Nagano at a hospital room, he started sports in competitions on his own. He first participated in the competition in Salt Lake City in 2002, and after that he took part in three consecutive competitions. In 2006, he gained a silver medal in the giant slalom in Torino. In 2010, he also won a silver medal in the sliding and a bronze medal in the supergiant slalom in Vancouver. In 2014, he served as the captain of Japanese team in Sochi and also obtained a silver medal in the supergiant slalom.